Steam Coils
SPC offers a range of bespoke steam coils constructed from higher specification and thickness tube and braze materials. It is essential that steam coils are installed in well-engineered systems to ensure that condensate is removed from the coil as it is formed or differential thermal expansion will quickly lead to damage. Our steam coils are manufactured for use against working pressures of up to 8 bar g (175°C).

Standard Casing
The 45mm flanged casings suit general ductwork applications. The flanges are supplied pre-drilled to aid installation. For ‘standard’ cased cooling coils, the drain pan covers the fin block only.
Enclosed Casing
The 50mm flanged casing suits ductwork applications. They are complete with cover boxes over the headers and return bends to minimise air leakage. Welded and sealed cover boxes can be provided to further reduce air leakage. Drain pans on cooling coils extend under the headers and bends.
Unitary Casing
Unitary casing suits insertion into AHU or similar. It is complete with a baffle plate which is required to prevent air bypass to one or both faces. For cooling coils, the drain pan extends under the headers and bends. Alternatively, a perforated base is provided to allow drainage into a pan in the base of the AHU.