Belgravia Tilevector Fan Convectors
The Belgravia Tilevector is a ceiling heater designed to fit seamlessly into a standard suspended ceiling grid. Its hinged grille combines discharge and return air, providing easy access to the fans, coil and filter. The combination of air throw and heat output ensures rapid warming of the space.
At standard operating conditions, the LPHW Belgravia Tilevector generates up to 9kW of heat output, while the electric heating unit generates up to 6kW. The Belgravia Tilevector is available in 600mm x 600mm (Solo) or 1200mm x 600mm (Duo). Additionally, thermostats and switches are included as standard.

Tilevector Solo
Suitable for integration into a typical suspended ceiling grid. Unit size: 600mm x 600mm.

Tilevector Duo
Suitable for integration into a typical suspended ceiling grid. Unit size: 600mm x 1200mm.

Tilevector Plus
The Tilevector Plus has been developed as an alternative unit with enhanced airflow and heat exchanger to optimise operation against the increasingly lower temperature hot water available from heat pumps and condensing boilers.
The Belgravia Tilevector Plus is suitable for integration into a typical suspended ceiling grid. Unit size: 600mm x 600mm.

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Products included in our product configurator:
Belgravia Fan Convectors, Belgravia Tilevectors, Forcefield Air Curtains, iForce Industrial Air Curtains and CiRRUS Unit Heaters