Belgravia Supreme Fan Convectors
In our opinion, Belgravia Supreme Fan Convectors are the most aesthetically pleasing on the market, featuring an ergonomically rounded design without any sharp corners, making it a great choice for environments that prioritise safety and appearance. This is why they are extensively used in thousands of schools nationwide, with a robust casing designed specifically to withstand the demands of school life.
Available in four different widths and various styles, Belgravia Supreme Fan Convectors are suitable for exposed/cased applications, with Active LST and condensing boiler/heat pump options available.
Belgravia Supreme Fan Convectors can provide up to 16kW heat output at standard operating conditions, and standard thermostats and switches are included.
Additionally, they can also be equipped with a fresh air damper to regulate energy-efficient fresh air as per BB93, BB101, and EFA FOS standards.

Vertical Fan Convectors are used for low-level floor/wall applications.

Horizontal Fan Convectors are either exposed/cased for ceiling-mounted applications or recessed/concealed for ceiling void applications.

Inverted Fan Convectors are used for high-level wall-mounted applications.

Fresh Air Fan Convectors
The Belgravia Supreme Plus incorporates a fresh air inlet spigot and motorised damper allowing the unit to provide both space heating and ventilation.

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Products included in our product configurator:
Belgravia Fan Convectors, Belgravia Tilevectors, Forcefield Air Curtains, iForce Industrial Air Curtains and CiRRUS Unit Heaters