Continuing Professional Development

SPC offers a range of continuing professional development (CPD) courses and presentations. 

At SPC, we are dedicated to advancing the knowledge and skills of engineers through our comprehensive range of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses and presentations. As a trusted CPD provider since 1997, our courses are accredited by CIBSE, reflecting our commitment to delivering high-quality training tailored to industry needs.

Explore our current selection of CIBSE-accredited CPDs below:

Radiant Heating & Cooling Panels - Fundamentals and Design Guide

Duration: Approx 1 hour
Suitable for: Architects, Mechanical Consultants, Mechanical Contractors

CPD content:
Modes of Heat Transfer
Radiant Heat Transfer & Intensity
Panel Construction
Benefits of Radiant Heat
Benefits of Radiant Cooling
Heat Pumps & Radiant
Applications in Commercial & Residential

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Design Considerations for Trench Heating

Duration: Approx 1 hour
Suitable for: Architects, Mechanical Consultants, Mechanical Contractors

CPD content:
What is Trench Heating?
Types of Trench Heating Systems
Where to use Trench Heating?
How to size Trench Heating
Types of control options for energy efficiency
Installation considerations and options
Grille Choices

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Decarbonisation of Industrial and Commercial Heating Systems

Duration: Approx 1 hour
Suitable for: Architects, Mechanical Consultants, Mechanical Contractors

CPD content:
Gain insights into the current status and future of renewable energy in the UK
Learn how Heat pumps can reduce carbon emissions when implementing low temperature heating systems
Optimise heat emitter design and controls for efficient and comfortable heating at low temperatures
Understand Embodied Carbon (TM65)
Discover available funding options

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